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Manus Is Awarded A Phase I STTR Grant From The National Science Foundation For The Development Of A Novel Pathway For Terpenoid Biosynthesis

Press Release

12:00 p.m. EDT. June 15, 2013

Media Relations Contact

Frederik Bjoerndal, Vice President
Corporate Affairs and Marketing Communications


Manus Bio

Manus, a leader in metabolic engineering and synthetic biology, announced today that it has been awarded a prestigious National Science Foundation grant under the Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) program. This Phase I award ($225,000) supports the design and engineering of a de novo pathway for terpenoid production. The full abstract for the project entitled “Overcoming Metabolic Pathway Limitations through De Novo Pathway Design for Terpenoid Biosynthesis” can be found at https://www.sbir.gov/sbirsearch/detail/683834.

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