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Manus Publishes On A Metabolic Engineering Framework For Efficient And Low-Cost Commercial Strain Development

Press Release

12:00 p.m. EDT. June 11, 2014

Media Relations Contact

Frederik Bjoerndal, Vice President
Corporate Affairs and Marketing Communications


Manus scientists have published a review article entitled “Multivariate modular metabolic engineering for pathway and strain optimization” in collaboration with Prof. Marjan De Mey from Ghent University.

The paper was published in Current Opinion in Biotechnology (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0958166914001001).

The paper describes the tenets of a novel metabolic engineering framework which enables a low-cost and efficient semi-combinatorial route for developing commercial strains. The core technology was founded by Professor Greg Stephanopoulos (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT) and Dr. Ajikumar Parayil, Ph.D., Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer of Manus during his time as a research fellow at MIT. “Unlike purely combinatorial approaches which require heavy investments in both library construction and screening, the multivariate modular metabolic engineering approach enables rapid strain optimization through guided semi-combinatorial library design,” says Dr. Ajikumar Parayil. “This means that it has the versatility to be rapidly deployed in a variety of hosts for a number of important pathways and systems.”

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